Constraints to Women Entrepreneurship
: Why Granting Cred-it Is Not Enough: Review

  • Wubalem Alemayehu

Student thesis: Master typesAdvanced Master in International and Development Economics


The main objective of this study has been to present a systematic review of the existing constraints of women entrepreneurship, and the reasons why granting credit is not enough women entrepre-neurs. This involved collecting and organizing findings from different studies and reports from google scholar and Z-library that are directly related to the underlying objective of the review. Be-sides, data from various books and related works of literature are used to support results gathered from literature reviews. As discovered from the different studies included, women entrepreneurs face non-credit constraints in addition to credit constraints as compared to men entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs own and run smaller size and more risky firms because of family responsi-bilities. Because of this, they are asked to provide larger collateral requirements to get access to credit from formal financial institutions relative to men counterparts. Lack of business networks among women, lack of property rights titles on their name in patriarchal norms, family responsi-bilities, low education level, a high business competition from incumbent men owned large firms are some of the other constraints identified than credit for women. They are hardly informed about investment opportunities and how to make a cost-benefit analysis of their business priority. Some studies showed that providing business training and support from family members in the home im-proves the success of women entrepreneurs.
Date of Award31 Jul 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorCatherine Guirkinger (Supervisor) & Coline BROKA (Co-Supervisor)

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