Comparaison d'un préconditionneur spectral et d'un préconditionneur de type quasi-Newton à mémoire limitée pour la résolution de systèmes linéaires à seconds membres variables.

  • Charlotte Beauthier

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    The main goal of this work is to compare two preconditioners used for the resolution of a sequence of linear systems with a constant symmetric positive definite matrix and multiple right-hand sides. The first preconditioner is built on the spectral information of the matrix of the system and the second one is built on limited-memory quasi-Newton formulas. We first describe the methods used to construct these preconditioners. We then present a theoretical study of the two preconditioners. We finally propose a set of numerical experiments that we analyze in details and we compare the relative performance of the two preconditioners.
    Date of Award2004
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorAnnick Sartenaer (Supervisor), Serge Gratton (Jury) & Philippe TOINT (Jury)

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