Comparaison de méthodes de multigrilles algébriques (type classique vs type agrégation) pour la résolution de systèmes linéaires issus de la discrétisation de problèmes continus

  • Sylvie Detournay

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    The aim of this work is to solve linear systems arising from the discretization of continuous problems by using algebraic multigrid methods. We first explain the multigrid principle by introducing the geometric multigrid methods. We then introduce the algebraic multigrid methods and describe, in particular, two of these methods: the first one, from the book of Briggs, henson and McCormick [4], is called classical method, and the second one, proposed by Vanek, Mandel and Brezina in [20], is called aggregation method. Finally, we compare the numerical performance of the two methods, using a program implemented in this work (based on the theory of [4]), and a program implemented by Michal Kocvara (which uses the aggregation method of [20]).
    Date of Award2006
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorAnnick Sartenaer (Supervisor), Philippe TOINT (Jury) & Jean-Jacques STRODIOT (Jury)

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