Application en aéronautique de l'optimisation sans dérivée

  • Patrick Laloyaux

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    This work proposes the study of an optimization method for a particular set of nonlinear constrained problems. The evaluation of the objective and the constraints is carried out by black box simulations. Thus we don't know the analytical expression of functions and their derivatives. For this reason, we study a derivative-free optimization method based on the use of trust-regions and on the functions modeling. The DFO (Derivative-Free Optimization) package which implements this technique of optimization was analyzed. It was tested on several various problems coming from the aircraft industry to determine its effectiveness and its robustness.
    Date of Award2007
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorPhilippe TOINT (Supervisor), Benoît Colson (Jury) & Annick Sartenaer (Jury)

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