: Contribution to a large scale validation of its implementation

  • Th Eugène

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


Wireless technology are very widespread and used for a lot of applications. These wireless networks are generally in ”infrastructure mode” and do not use the other possibility provided by wireless technology. Wireless mesh network usages are really scarce.
This document focus on AODV-FUUREX implementation, a secure version of the routing algorithms AODV. This implementation is compared with a basic version (AODV-UU).
Experiment scripts are written to work with OMF, a framework for managing experimental platform. Different malicious behaviours are simulated to test AODV-FUUREX.
These tests are executed on two different environments. The first one is a virtual testbed which was used to develop the experiment scripts and check that all the elements work good. The second one is a real environment which is used with bigger topologies.
Furthermore, the implementation is improved.
Date of Award13 Sept 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorLaurent Schumacher (Supervisor)


  • AODV
  • wireless mesh network (WMN)
  • OMF

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