Analyse de l'utilisation d'un modèle d'affectation statique agrégé pour évaluer les émissions de gaz polluants

  • Laurent Demeulder

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    Of what value the utilization of an aggregate static assignment model for estimating the air pollutant emissions from road traffic is interesting ? What imprecisions result from such model ? Are there some correlation between emissions and parameters like temperature, speed or modal choice. With the emissions functions based on the work of CORINAIR group and a modelisation of inner city of Namur, we will work up a variety of scenarios to answer to these questions.
    Date of Award2004
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorPhilippe TOINT (Supervisor), Eric Cornelis (Co-Supervisor) & Benoît Colson (Jury)

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