A study of brands communication strategies
: the case of streaming services on Twitter

  • Hugo LUCCA

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science


This study analyses the communication of the 3 biggest streaming services: Netflix, PrimeVideo and DisneyPlus. Both the English accounts are studied. The aim of this thesis is to first establish a profile for each account, then to group these profiles into strategies via a defined typology and finally to identify differences between accounts of the same brand according to language. These analyses are done via data mining, text-mining and finally qualitative analysis. The results show that Netflix is dominant and more specifically in France where they are also extremely interactive. Netflix seems to have a different strategy depending on the region of the account which is not the case for other players. As for Disney, it is rather effaced in communication.
Date of Award30 Aug 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorIsabelle Linden (Supervisor)

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