Étude du profil des utilisateurs d'applications mobiles dédiées au vin

Translated title of the thesis: Study on the profile of users of mobile applications dedicated to wine
  • Tom Pierre

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Management Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration


This thesis is part of a subject still quite unknown, mobile applications dedicated to wine. Within the
framework of this thesis, we study these applications in order to provide information on Belgian wine
consumers who use them but also on those who do not use them in order to compare these two
groups. We seek to evaluate the intervention of mobile applications dedicated to wine in the
purchasing process of wine consumers and to identify the differences between users and non-users.
In this regard, an exploratory quantitative study was therefore carried out. Moreover, it allowed us
to build a profile of the typical user. As a result of our analyses, we can conclude that users of mobile
applications dedicated to wine do indeed have a different profile from non-users.
Date of Award4 Sept 2020
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorPietro Zidda (Supervisor)


  • Wine
  • Attitudes
  • Buying behaviors
  • Mobile applications
  • Users

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