Worst-case evaluation complexity for unconstrained nonlinear optimization using high-order regularized models

Ernesto Birgin, John Gardenghi, José-Mario Martinez, Sandra Augusta Santos, Philippe Toint

Research output: Working paper

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The worst-case evaluation complexity for smooth (possibly nonconvex) unconstrained optimization is considered. It is shown that, if one is willing to use derivatives of the objective function up to order $p$ (for $p\geq 1$) and to assume Lipschitz continuity of the $p$-th derivative, then an $\epsilon$-approximate first-order critical point can be computed in at most $O(\epsilon^{-(p+1)/p})$ evaluations of the problem's objective function and its derivatives. This generalizes and subsumes results known for $p=1$ and $p=2$.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publication2015
PublisherNamur center for complex systems
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015

Publication series

NamenaXys Technical Reports


  • Nonlinear optimization
  • Complexity theory
  • High-order models


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