Vote obligatoire et abstention dans une perspective multi-niveaux

Min Reuchamps, Didier Caluwaerts, Lieven De Winter, Vincent Jacquet, Conrad Meulewaeter

Research output: Contribution in Book/Catalog/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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The tenth chapter deals with the repeal of compulsory voting and its effects. Min Reuchamps, Didier Caluwaerts, Lieven De Winter, Vincent Jacquet and Conrad Meulewaeter analysed voting intentions - in the event that voting would no longer be compulsory - in local, regional, federal and European elections. The results show that the higher the level of political decision-making, the lower the intention to vote. The people who would not go to the polls have known sociological characteristics: they are less educated and less active in politics (less interested...). The analysis of the differences between the electorates shows that there are few in Flanders, but that in Wallonia the situation is unfavourable to the PS and, on the other hand, more favourable to Ecolo and the MR.
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationDécrypter l’électeur : Le comportement électoral et les motivations de vote
EditorsKris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe, Pierre Baudewyns, Stefaan Walgrave
Place of PublicationLeuven
PublisherLannoo Campus
Number of pages18
ISBN (Print)9789401426503
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Absenteïsme
  • CMAP
  • Compulsory voting
  • Deelname
  • Participation
  • Stemplicht
  • Turnout

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