Spinal and sacroiliac gouty arthritis: report of a case and review of the literature

Fabiano Nassar Cardoso, Patrick Omoumi, Grégoire Wieërs, Baudouin Maldague, Jacques Malghem, Frédéric E Lecouvet, Bruno C Vande Berg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this case report, we describe an "uncommon" case of axial gouty arthropathy in a 69-year-old woman with bilateral sciatica that was thoroughly evaluated with conventional radiography, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging, bone scintigraphy, and PET-CT. Axial gouty arthropathy should be included in the differential diagnosis of chronic low back pain, mainly when several risk factors for gout are present.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2047981614549269
JournalActa radiologica short reports
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2014
Externally publishedYes


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