Spectroscopic and second-order nonlinear optical properties of Ruthenium(ii) complexes: a DFT/MRCI and ADC(2) study

Daniel Escudero, Walter Thiel, Benoît Champagne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Search results

  • Finished

    Subvention - Professeur de recherche Francqui

    Nakano, M. & Castet, F.


    Project: Research

  • PAI n°P7/05 - FS2: Functional Supramolecular Systems (FS2)

    Champagne, B., De Vos, D., Van der Auweraer, M., Jérôme, C., Lazzaroni, R., Marin, G., Jonas, A., Du Prez, F., Vanderzande, D., Van Tendeloo, G., Van Speybroeck, V., NENON, S. & STAELENS, N.


    Project: Research