Spécificités de la fonction cardiorespiratoire de l'âne (Equus asinus)

Véronique Delvaux, Nathalie Kirschvink, Hélène Amory, Valéria Busoni, Tatiana Art, Pierre Lekeux

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


A group of 22 donkeys underwent a serres of non-invasive cardiorespiratory tests in order to establish the reference standards for this species and compare the results with those for horses. For particular tests (haematology, measurement of arterial blond gases, electrocardiogram with phonocardiogram and thoracic radiographs, cardias echography), no major differences were found. However, the mechanical ventilation parameters differed from those for horses and moere similar to Chose for food-producing animais (carde): a higher resistance, a lower compliance and a higher maximum pleural pressure variation moere found. The "respiratory strategy" adopted by certain donkeys is different from that of horses: there are two to three phases of inspiration with a nil airflow between each phase. Expiration is the same as for horses. The conformation of the pharynx and larynx is slightly different to that of horses making it more difficult to pass an endoscope through this area. The lower respiratory tract is sensitive and it is necessary to apply a local anaesthetic (xylocaine) for this examination. The différential leukocyte count from tracheal lavage includes a number of epithelial cells, and a higher percentage of eosinophils and neutrophile for donkeys compared to horses. These similarities and différences between donkeys and horses should be taken into account when performing ancillary tests.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)21-28
Number of pages8
JournalPratique Vétérinaire Equine
Issue number129
Publication statusPublished - 2001

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