Robot hexapode : développement d’un algorithme de marche et tests: Travail de Fin d’Études présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Master Ingénieur civil mécanicien - spécialisation mécatronique

Translated title of the contribution: Hexapodal robot : development of a gait algorithm and tests

Research output: External Thesis Master's Thesis

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This work is about the development of a gait algorithm for a hexapodal robot from the robotics laboratory of
Polytechnique Montréal. First we present a state of the art on walking robots to see the research references
in this domain. Another brief state of the art is presented on a new material called Gecko Skin, which is
mimicking real gecko skin which can be applied to walking robots to move on walls. Next, we describe our
robot and his components such as MX106T motors or the Odroid-C1 used to control the robot. Due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of our algorithm on the real robot was impossible and we used a
simulation program, CoppeliaSim, to pursue the work. We explain the methodology used to model the robot
as well as the chosen physics engine, Vortex Studio. Then, we present our algorithm which is a fixed gait
algorithm. It allows the robot to move along flat ground by choosing X and Y speeds and rotation speed along
the Z axis. We also present an exact solution (to limit calculation time) to the inverse kinematics problem
used to place the end of the 4 degrees of freedom legs. The last chapter is about the tests performed on the
robot. The main focus was put on energy consumption to deduce some optimal parameters (optimal body
height of 62,5 mm, step height influencing the needed power, optimal radius of the circle of initial positions
of the legs of 300 mm for a step height of 50 or 25 mm and of 312,5 mm for a step height of 75 or 100
mm). We also deduce from torque and speeds graphs of all the joints that the most solicited joints for each
leg while walking are the second and third joints. We explain the encountered difficulties to simulate Gecko
Skin on the feet of the robot (JKR and Kendall models non applicable directly in CoppeliaSim). Another
test is also made to evaluate the capacity of the hexapod to climb a slope. The maximum angle at which the
hexapod can climb the slope is 45 ◦for a friction coefficient of 1 on the feet of the hexapod. This test also
shows that the first joint of every leg becomes the most solicited one when climbing a slope. A gait on rough
terrain is also tested and shows the limits of our fixed gait algorithm. We finally conclude that we will need
to test the Gecko Skin practically and that it will be necessary to study other gait algorithms (with force
feedback for example) to get better results on rough terrain. This work will serve as a basis for future works
on the implementation of our code on the robot.
Translated title of the contributionHexapodal robot : development of a gait algorithm and tests
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • UMons, Faculté Polytechnique, GFA
  • Vande Wouwer, Alain, Supervisor, External person
  • Birglen, Lionel, Supervisor, External person
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


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