Rôle de l'estime de soi et des émotions dans le traitement des feed-back académiques par les étudiants universitaires

Caroline Dozot

Research output: External Thesis Doctoral Thesis

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The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the logics that underlay the students’ behaviors in the transition from high school to higher education. More specifically, we highlight the key role of self-esteem and emotions to explain these behaviors. This thesis is composed of two sections. The first one aims to verify, in a weakened population, i.e. students in de midst of a reorientation, the links between self-esteem, perseverance and performance. The second one allows us to apprehend more in detail the understanding of the individual logics of the “common” students confronted to a potentially stressing event when starting university: the fact of receiving an evaluative feedback. Using thorough case studies, we try to identify first, the types of feedback, second the profiles of students most susceptible to lead to the implementation of readjustment strategies.
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • UCL - IPSY
  • Romainville, Marc, Co-supervisor
  • Frenay, Mariane, Co-supervisor, External person
  • Philippot, Pierre, Jury Member, External person
  • Parmentier, Philippe, Jury Member, External person
Award date22 Jan 2018
Publication statusUnpublished - 2018

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