Purpose Management and Enforcement for Sensitive Private Data in Open Environments

Thavy Mony Annanda Rath, Jean-Noël Colin

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

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This paper provides an overview of our research including the specication of research, the primary
result we achieved so far, and the remaining questions to be addressed. We set ourselves in the eld of
secure processing of sensitive private nomad data in open (distributed) environments. The goal of the
research is to investigate the role and impact of "purpose" in authorization process (access as well as usage
control) and dene a mechanism to manage and enforce them. The research includes: (1) study, analyze,
and clear the meaning of purpose, (2) management of purpose binding of data, (3) study the possibilities to
recognize purpose binding and enforcement, and (4) clear the meaning and impact of personal relationship
context on purpose in authorization process.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2012
Event10th international workshop for technical, economic and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods - Namur, Belgium
Duration: 24 Sept 201225 Sept 2012

Scientific committee

Scientific committee10th international workshop for technical, economic and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods


  • purpose management
  • privacy
  • enforcement
  • open environment


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