Philippe Dubois (Inventor), Marius Murariu (Inventor), Michael Alexandre (Inventor), Philippe Degee (Inventor), Serge Bourbigot (Inventor), Rene Delobel (Inventor), Gaelle Fontaine (Inventor), Eric Devaux (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention relates to polylactide-based polymer or copolymer (PLA) compositions withimproved flame retardancy properties as obtained by conventional melt-blending ofPLA polyester matrix (1) with both calcium sulfate (2) and organo-modified layered silicates (OMLS) (3). Combination of CaSO 4 and OMLS exhibits synergistic effects on PLA flame retardancy by both significantly increasing the time to ignition and decreasing the heat release rateper unit area, and promoting non-dripping properties. Moreover,all other properties of PLA remain almost unchanged or are improved as regards to pristine PLA, especially thermal and mechanical properties.

Translated title of the contributionCOMPOSITIONS À BASE DE POLYLACTIDE
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2008095874
IPCC08L 67/ 04 A I
Priority date7/02/07
Publication statusPublished - 14 Aug 2008
Externally publishedYes


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