Online advertising: the impact of targeted advertising on advertisers, market access and consumer choice

Niklas Fourberg, Tas Serpil, Lukas Wiewiorra, Ilsa Goldovitch, Alexandre DE STREEL, Herve Jacquemin, Jordan Hill, Madalina Nunu, Camille Bourguignon, Florian Jacques, Michele Ledger, Michael Lognoul

Research output: Book/Report/JournalCommissioned report

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In this research paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of online advertising markets and we analyse the challenges and opportunities concerning digital advertising. We review the degree to which existing and proposed legislation at EU level addresses the identified problems, and identify potential solutions, with reference to experience from EU Member States and third countries. We conclude with a synthesis and specific policy recommendations, drawing on stakeholder interviews.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
PublisherEuropean Parliament
Number of pages151
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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