Nekhbet, l'œil droit du dieu solaire

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    Studies on the goddess Nekhbet tend to reduce her role to the duality of the country, being the representative of Upper Egypt together with Wadjit, linked to Lower Egypt. Nevertheless, the epithets of the goddess show that she acts not only on behalf of the pharaoh but also of the solar god whose power she guarantees. In this context, she is called wnmt-n-r' «right eye of Re» leading to a number of plays on words around the different manifestations of the goddess (vulture, cobra, eye). Through the parallelism with Wadjit «left eye of Atoum», her functions are extended to the coronation, the solar cycle and the protection of the sun god by day and by night. Finally, other deities assume not only the appearance but also the function of Nekhbet.
    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)159-177
    JournalRevue d'Egyptologie
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

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