Monte Carlo calculation of radioimmunotherapy with 90Y-, 177Lu-, 131I-, 124I-, and 188Re-Nanoobjects: Choice of the best radionuclide for solid tumour treatment by using TCP and NTCP concepts

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Radioimmunotherapy has shown that the use of monoclonal antibodies combined with a radioisotope like <sup>131</sup>I or <sup>90</sup>Y still remains ineffective for solid and radioresistant tumour treatment. Previous simulations have revealed that an increase in the number of <sup>90</sup>Y labelled to each antibody or nanoobject could be a solution to improve treatment output. It now seems important to assess the treatment output and toxicity when radionuclides such as <sup>90</sup>Y, <sup>177</sup>Lu, <sup>131</sup>I, <sup>124</sup>I, and <sup>188</sup>Re are used. Tumour control probability (TCP) and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) curves versus the number of radionuclides per nanoobject were computed with MCNPX to evaluate treatment efficacy for solid tumours and to predict the incidence of surrounding side effects. Analyses were carried out for two solid tumour sizes of 0.5 and 1.0 cm radius and for nanoobject (i.e., a radiolabelled antibody) distributed uniformly or nonuniformly throughout a solid tumour (e.g., Non-small-cell-lung cancer (NSCLC)). <sup>90</sup>Y and <sup>188</sup>Re are the best candidates for solid tumour treatment when only one radionuclide is coupled to one carrier. Furthermore, regardless of the radionuclide properties, high values of TCP can be reached without toxicity if the number of radionuclides per nanoobject increases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number284360
JournalComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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