Le site tardo-romain de « La Tonne de Bière » à Fagnolle (Philippeville, prov. Namur). Rapport des campagnes de fouilles 2009, 2010 et 2011

Nicolas Paridaens, Fanny Martin, Yannick Devos, Stéphane Genvier, Pierre Cattelain, Axelle Letor, Eugène Warmenbol

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


From 2009 to 2011, the CReA-Patrimoine of the ULB and the Cedarc/Musée du Malgré-Tout de Treignes carried out excavations at the place called "La Tonne de Bière" in Fagnolle. These have led to the discovery of a group of about thirty post holes as well as a large silt extraction pit. The filling of this pit underwent a progressive enrichment during the second half of the 4th century AD, forming a 'black earth' horizon. The micro-morphological study makes it possible to assimilate these 'black earths' to a vegetable garden, probably in relation to a habitat site that remains to be discovered. The abundant ceramic and monetary material from this area is very homogeneous.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)120-159
Number of pages40
JournalArcheo-Situla : Bulletin annuel du Centre d'Études et de Documentation Archéologiques (Cedarc)à Treignes et du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques en Ardenne (CRAA) à Libramont
Issue number31
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes

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