Le chercheur est-il un imposteur, un observateur, ou un évaluateur lors de la construction d’un corpus de données orales en milieu hospitalier belge ? Entre questions éthiques et méthodologiques

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The article concerns the observer’s roles in the fieldwork and the (in)vulnerability lived by the informers and the observer. The fieldwork takes place in a Belgian hospital. We define the (in)vulnerability as a mutual concept between the observer and the informers who is nursing staff. Furthermore, we study it with a methodological approach because the informers are vulnerable in the fieldwork, and the observer is invulnerable. But the opposite is also true.
Original languageFrench
Number of pages16
JournalSignes, discours, société
Issue number"Dynamiques discursives de la vulnérabilité"
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • secrets
  • Fieldwork
  • Vulnerability
  • observer
  • informer
  • Belgian hospital

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