Activities per year
- 10 results
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Familles monoparentales et discriminations - groupe de travail
Flohimont, V. (Contributor) & Tasiaux, A. (Contributor)
22 Feb 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Project follow-up meeting
Familles monoparentales et discriminations - réflexion 'formation'
Flohimont, V. (Contributor) & Tasiaux, A. (Contributor)
21 Feb 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Project follow-up meeting
Familles monoparentales et discriminations: comité de suivi (Event)
Flohimont, V. (Member) & Tasiaux, A. (Member)
18 Jul 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
Familles monoparentales et discriminations: comité de suivi (Event)
Flohimont, V. (Member) & Tasiaux, A. (Member)
5 Jul 2016Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
'Réforme des allocations familiales'
Flohimont, V. (Contributor)
27 May 2016Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
ONVA/RJV (External organisation)
Flohimont, V. (Member)
4 Feb 2015Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
Vorstellung des Berichtes zur Übertragung der Kinderzulagen in Rahmen der 6. Staatsreform an die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft
Flohimont, V. (Speaker)
17 Mar 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Family allowances and competences transfer: supplements and differences between occupational groups
Flohimont, V. (Invited speaker)
28 Jan 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Les allocations familiales a la veille du transfert de compétences: histoire, état des lieux et défis
Flohimont, V. (Speaker)
23 May 2012Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
"L'historique des allocations familiales et les perspectives de la réforme", colloque intitulé « Quel avenir pour les allocations familiales belges ? Ad augusta per angusta »
Flohimont, V. (Speaker)
29 Mar 2012Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference