J.B.A.M. Jobard (1792-1861), Visionnaire de nouveaux rapports entre l'art et l'industrie, acteur privilégié des mutations de l'image en Belgique au XIXe siècle

Marie-Christine CLAES

Research output: External Thesis Doctoral Thesis


Using 19th century sources, I identified many early practitioners of lithography as well as information regarding the pioneers of lithography in Belgium. The wealth of information was such that I was able to put together a directory of lithographers in Belgium under the Dutch period and the reign of Léopold I. The new findings prove the importance of literary and scientific circles (institutions and scholars, Belgians or foreigners) to the emergence of the media, and place lithography and photography in the context of political and economic events. The important part played by the Tesini, print retailers from Trentino, to the advent and spread of lithography, and later photography in Belgium, is brought to light. Finally, and most importantly, I have established a complete biography of J.B.A.M. Jobard, highlighting not only his pivotal role in the advent of lithography and photography in Belgium, but also his part in the industrial and cultural growth of the country.
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • Université Catholique de Louvain
  • Lefftz, Michel, Co-supervisor
  • Dekoninck, Ralph, Supervisor
Award date30 Jun 2006
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes

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