Immanence et intentionnalité. Les figures du "continu résistant" biranien dans la phénoménologie matérielle

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The A. tries to reveal the singularity of Michel Henry's proposed interpretation of Maine de Biran's writings. More specifically, he follows up the way in which material phenomenology has taken up and reactivated Maine de Biran's concept of continu résistant (the body's continual effort of resistance). According to the A., the textual phases in Michel Henry's work that bring this concept into play are so many strategic places from which it is possible to indicate both the steps in material phenomenology's development and the tensions with which the approach is fraught. Maine de Biran and his concept of continu résistant thus become an exemplary pretext for questioning and assessing the philosophical stakes involved, as well as the aporias with which a phenomenology of immanence that would like to do without the concept of intentionality is confronted.
    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)16-41
    Number of pages26
    JournalRevue philosophique de Louvain
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

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