Fractionation of Algerian common wheat proteins with 50 p.100 2-propanol: Relationship with the technological quality

Hocine Sadouki, Roland Cazalis, Belkacem Azzout

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Sixteen Algerian common wheat genotypes have been analysed during three harvests for their technological and protein characteristics. Good relations have been found between alveograph W values and the strength parameters of the mixograph, although the mixograph parameters are less influenced by the crop year. Within the flour proteins extracted by 50 p.100 2-propanol, interesting and positive relations have been found between insoluble protein contents determined by the Kjeldahl method, insoluble proteins in total proteins ratios (0.5P2-INS/TP) and various strength parameters. Conversely, the soluble proteins in total protein ratios (0.5P2-S/TP) are negatively correlated with these parameters. These relations are globally confirmed by using an adapted Biuret method for protein dosage. Since 0.5P2-INS/TP or 0.5P2-S/TP ratios are not associated with TP content, they can constitute a good criterion to evaluate the intrinsic strength of common wheats in early selection. An original colorimetric method for insoluble glutenins (INS GLUT) dosage in 50 p.100 2-propanol is proposed and could be used to analyse the relations between the INS GLUT contents and the flour's technological quality.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)70-79
    Number of pages10
    JournalLWT - Food Science and Technology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2006


    • 2-propanol
    • Insoluble glutenins
    • Proteins
    • Quality
    • Wheat


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