Student theses
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Conception, synthèse et étude d’inhibiteurs de la tryptophane 2,3-dioxygénase (TDO), une cible prometteuse pour le traitement du cancer
Moineaux, L. (Author)Wouters, J. (Supervisor), Lanners, S. (President), Masereel, B. (Jury), Galleni, M. (Jury) & Frederick, R. (Jury), 30 Jan 2012Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Rational design, synthesis, molecular modeling and evaluation of β-carboline and 5H-indeno[1,2-c]pyridazin-5-one derivatives as potential MAO and IDO inhibitors
Reniers, J. (Author)Wouters, J. (Supervisor), Frederick, R. (Jury), Michiels, C. (Jury), Vincent, S. (President) & Kiss, R. (Jury), 4 Oct 2011Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Synthèse d'inhibiteurs d'indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenases (IDO et TDO) deux enzymes dont les propriétés immunosuppressives en font des cibles majeures pour le traitement du cancer
Modaffari, S. (Author)Frederick, R. (Supervisor) & Dolusic, E. (Jury), 2010Student thesis: Master types › Master in Chemistry