Développer l’autorégulation: le rôle des questionnaires d’autoévaluation dans les activités de promotion de la réussite en première année à l’université

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In order to promote success in the first year of university education, numerous methodological support schemes are organized at the University of Namur, Belgium.These schemes focuson the development of strategies for managing the studies and on the regulation of this management. To this end, students are required to complete self-assessment questionnaires about their study methods.The regulatory process that underlies the development of each of these questionnaires and guides the accompanying actions is underlying and guiding. The objectives of the formalization of this process are threefold: to allow the design of new self-assessment questionnaires aimed at developing the regulation, to serve as a point of reference for students to conceptualize the regulation, to be used as a teaching tool to promote the transfer to other learning situations. The question of the place of evaluation inthe self and hetero regulation of the management of studies in higher education is also discussed.Then, a "typical" questionnaire on the students' work placement and perseverance in carrying out a task is described and the links with the three-step regulation process are established.Finally, the way in which self-evaluation questionnaires can contribute to the development of student self-regulation in the management of their learning is discussed. Perspectives on futureresearch are also identified to evaluate the methodological support actions in terms of self-regulation development; and to evaluate the pedagogical actions of teachers who incorporate regulatory process and the self-assessment questionnaires into their courses.
Original languageFrench
Number of pages17
JournalLa Revue LEeE
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • autonomy
  • self-regulation
  • evaluation
  • study methods
  • methodological accompaniment

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