Controlled fluorescence in a beetle’s photonic structure and its sensitivity to environmentally induced changes

Sébastien R. Mouchet, Michaël Lobet, Branko Kolaric, Anna M. Kaczmarek, Rik van Deun, Peter Vukusic, Olivier Deparis, Eloise Van Hooijdonk

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    The scales covering the elytra of the male Hoplia coerulea beetle contain fluorophores embedded within a porous photonic structure. The photonic structure controls both insect colour (reflected light) and fluorescence emission. Herein, the effects of water-induced changes on the fluorescence emission from the beetle were investigated. The fluorescence emission peak wavelength was observed to blue-shift on water immersion of the elytra whereas its reflectance peak wavelength was observed to red-shift. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements, together with optical simulations, confirmed that the radiative emission is controlled by a naturally engineered photonic bandgap while the elytra are in the dry state, whereas non-radiative relaxation pathways dominate the emission response of wet elytra.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number20162334
    JournalProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
    Issue number1845
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2016


    • Beetle scale
    • Fluorescence
    • Natural photonic crystal
    • Photonic bandgap materials
    • Structural colour


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