Conceptualization of Cultural Diversity for Efficient and Flexible Manufacturing Systems of the Future

Kashif Zia, Alois Ferscha, Dari Trendafilov

Research output: Contribution in Book/Catalog/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Manufacturing systems of the future need to have flexible resources and flexible routing to produce extremely personalized products, even of lot size equal to one. In this paper we have proposed a framework, which is designed to achieve this goal. Towards this we have integrated an established cultural evolution model to achieve desirable flexibility of resources and acceptable routing time. Promising results are evidenced through a simple proof-of-concept agent-based simulation. The simulation results reveal that the products need to move less in more diversified cultural groups when looking for suitable resources. It was also observed that the more time we provide for cultural dissemination, the cultural groups become increasingly coherent due to homophily. For scenarios, which require diversification of resources, we need to find a balance between coherence and diversification. This paper provides first insights into these aspects for a production shop floor.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
Subtitle of host publicationCreativity + Cognition + Computation, CogSci 2019
PublisherThe Cognitive Science Society
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)0991196775, 9780991196777
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes
Event41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Creativity + Cognition + Computation, CogSci 2019 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 24 Jul 201927 Jul 2019

Publication series

NameProceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Creativity + Cognition + Computation, CogSci 2019


Conference41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Creativity + Cognition + Computation, CogSci 2019


  • cultural dissemination
  • group coherence
  • Industry 4.0
  • personalized production
  • resource flexibility
  • routing flexibility


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