Compound Term Composition Algebra: The Semantics

Yannis Tzitzikas, Anastasia Analti, Nicolas Spyratos

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The Compound Term Composition Algebra (CTCA) is an algebra with four algebraic operators, whose composition can be used to specify the meaningful (valid) compound terms (conjunctions of terms) in a given faceted taxonomy in an e±cient and flexible manner. The "positive" operations allow the derivation of valid compound terms through the declaration of a small set of valid compound terms. The "negative" operations allow the derivation of valid compound terms through the declaration of a small set of invalid compound terms. In this paper, we formally define the model-theoretic semantics of the operations and the closed-world assumptions adopted in each operation. We prove that CTCA is monotonic with respect to both valid and invalid compound terms, meaning that the valid and invalid compound terms of a subexpression are not invalidated by a larger expression. We show that CTCA cannot be directly represented in Description Logics. However, we show how we could design a metasystem on top of Description Logics in order to implement this algebra.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-84
Number of pages27
JournalJournal on Data Semantics
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Faceted Taxonomies
  • Description Logics
  • Semantics


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