title = "Charlemagne croquemort dans le {\textquoteleft}Roland{\textquoteright} rim{\'e}: les raisons d{\textquoteright}un geste et l{\textquoteright}{\'e}tymologie d{\textquoteright}un mot",
author = "Palumbo, {Giovanni Battista}",
year = "2015",
language = "Fran{\c c}ais",
isbn = "978-0-907570-30-1",
series = "Medium AEvum Monographs",
publisher = "Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature",
pages = "156--178",
editor = "Sophie Marnette and Levy, {John F.} and {Zarker Morgan}, Leslie",
booktitle = "« Si sai encore moult bon estoire, chan{\c c}on moult bone et anciene ». Studies in the text and context of old french narrative in honour of Joseph J. Duggan",