Automatic cell detection in bright-field microscopy for microbeam irradiation studies

A. Georgantzoglou, M. J. Merchant, J. C G Jeynes, A. C. Wéra, K. J. Kirkby, N. F. Kirkby, R. Jena

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Automatic cell detection in bright-field illumination microscopy is challenging due to cells' inherent optical properties. Applications including individual cell microbeam irradiation demand minimisation of additional cell stressing factors, so contrast-enhancing fluorescence microscopy should be avoided. Additionally, the use of optically non-homogeneous substrates amplifies the problem. This research focuses on the design of a method for automatic cell detection on polypropylene substrate, suitable for microbeam irradiation. In order to fulfil the relative requirements, the Harris corner detector was employed to detect apparent cellular features. These features-corners were clustered based on a dual-clustering technique according to the density of their distribution across the image. Weighted centroids were extracted from the clusters of corners and constituted the targets for irradiation. The proposed method identified more than 88% of the 1,738 V79 Chinese hamster cells examined. Moreover, a processing time of 2.6 s per image fulfilled the requirements for a near real-time cell detection-irradiation system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6289-6303
Number of pages15
JournalPhysics in Medicine and Biology
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 21 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • bright-field microscopy
  • cell detection
  • microbeam
  • polypropylene


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