Francesco VITTI, Chris TAMPERE, Rodric FREDERIX, Marie Castaigne, Eric Cornelis, Fabien Walle

    Research output: Contribution in Book/Catalog/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Trips are the necessary links between activities, involving the movement from one activity location to the next, and, as such, are strongly correlated with activity timing and mode of transport to the previous activity. With the aim of linking measured daily traffic with (weekly) activity patterns of transport users, in this study we work on two complementary views of weekly mobility: the longitudinal disaggregate behavioral aspects over the week and the transversal aggregate measure of traffic for each day of the week. A sample of individuals had been selected within a study area around Ghent, Belgium, and their activities and movements have been recorded and categorized with a behavioral survey. In parallel, traffic flows have been measured during the same weeks on the same area using loop detector and pneumatic tube data. By comparing the two datasets specific daily traffic patterns could be directly related to the scheduling of individuals" activities, both on day-to-day and on a within-day basis. It was found that, although home-work trips are the majority on workdays it represents only less than ¼ of all daily trips. On weekends work-related trips drop down to 5%, however, the number of trips on Saturdays does not reduce considerably, which suggests that other purposes become much more important (e.g., shopping, sport activities). These trends are in line with the analysis of traffic flow data, where on Saturdays the total daily demand is comparable to a weekday, but the OD flow patterns are significantly different over the day. The joint collection of behavioral panel data and traffic data offers numerous possibilities for further theoretical research developments (i.e., for advanced behavioral models and dynamic traffic assignment). From the applied side, policy makers will benefit from the outcome of this study by having a more complete picture of weekly rhythms of daily life, habits and routine across a representative sample of households
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings WCTR 2010 (electronic version)
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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