Analytical Grid Report to EC: WP2 Current Theory and Practice task 2.3 Construction of an analytical grid

Robert Gianni, Philippe Goujon

Research output: Book/Report/JournalCommissioned report

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The following deliverable is focused on the scientific development of parameters through which we can propose a reference grid for the empirical analysis.
This task will be accomplished in a sequence of several steps.
The discussion and analysis of the theoretical background depicted in Del. 2.2 will be a first starting point. From there we should be able to provide a depiction of the justification through a set of analytical steps of defining the problem, and then a full justification for the approach, explaining why current governance approaches are limited in their relationship with RRI.

Precisely, we will provide:
• an introduction depicting the actual situation with regard to Responsible Innovation in the EU.
• a definition of the problem(s) related to Responsible Innovation
• a discussion of the epistemology that cross-cuts the problems and that opens up the real problem
• a methodological path or justificatory explanation for our approach
• the parameters needed in order to collect empirical data and analyze research according to our frame.

The present deliverable has the aim of providing the criteria or, better to say, the parameters necessary for processing applied approaches. To accomplish such a task we will start by outlining what the problems are with regard to RRI, gaining knowledge from the previous “Theoretical Landscape”, and from our partners understanding. From there we will try to shortly, but critically, assess the current Responsible Innovation approaches. We will accomplish this task first by considering RRI through its two sides, responsibility and innovation, and after the current understandings of RRI itself. This should put in evidence that the main shortcomings of RRI are represented by a reductive way in which norms are conceived and constructed with regard to the context. Therefore, we will have to depict how this particular matter is handled and how it could be differently managed. Consequently, we will need to analyze the decision making process in its actual frame as to demonstrate gaps and limits. From this stance we will then be able to offer parameters through an analytical grid that will help the investigation in detecting similar shortcomings and limitations in most of the EU research projects.

It goes without saying, that the critical assessment of norms construction and governance approaches stands on a precise methodological ground, one that doesn’t intend to impose a single perspective but only to depict the logical and ethical weak points of current scenarios. A normative core, a focused perspective that stands necessary for every investigation, needs to be always highlighted and justified. Throughout the entire deliverable then, we will provide, explicit or implicit, logical and ethical, justifications to our perspective. Given the length of the issue at stake perhaps some points or theoretical presupposition will be left implicit or treated briefly.

Accordingly, we need to respond to the challenges and difficulties outlined in Del. 2.2. In particular the following deliverable, namely “Analytical Grid”, will represent the definitive formalization based on the results of the previous “Theoretical Landscape” that will favor the subsequent empirical investigation. The precise aim is thus to translate theoretical insights into a ‘language’ useful for further empirical inquiries, by providing a dynamic methodological analytical tool suitable for this purpose.
This dynamic aspect of the tool is allowing the results of the latter feeding the formal structure of the grid, confirming (or contradicting) the outcomes of the former.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherCommission of European Communities
Number of pages96
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2014


  • governance
  • responsible innovation
  • analytical grid
  • ethics
  • emerging technologies
  • reponsability
  • stakeholders
  • participatory approaches
  • norms construction
  • action of norms
  • reflexivity
  • cognitive framing


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