A common formal model of cooperating intelligent agents

Project: Research

Project Details


The goal of ModelAge is to establish a common formal model
of the concept of agent ,
usable across a wide number of fields of Information Technology, where its
importance is now appearing:
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Organizational Models
  • Software Design
  • Artificial Intelligence: Specially, Distributed Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Bases: Federative Databases

In each of these fields, the key facets of an agent appear to be:
  • goals: each agent is trying to achieve through cooperation a precise objective
    under given constraints.
  • beliefs: agents have an internal, imperfect representation of the world (including the state of other agents), on which their decisions are based.
  • behaviours: agents act, communicate and perceive, showing thus an external behaviour
    that often obeys normative rules.
  • heterogeneity: agents may be software, hardware systems, individual humans or human organizations.

The collaborations already undertaken between members of ModelAge
make us believe
that a common model may be found.
To ensure precision, the model will be formal, i.e. mathematically described.
Examples of cross-fertilisations already explored by members of ModelAge
include the application of deontic logics, originally
designed to formalise human organisations, to software specification;
the introduction of the notion of behaviour and goals into data base theory;
the use of belief logics (also originally modelling humans)
in concurrent systems; the introduction of behaviour in software specification.
The many formalisms used in each
field could then be grounded
in this common semantic framework,
allowing an integrated multi-formalism approach.
Effective start/end date1/09/9331/03/97


  • agent-oriented logic
  • formal model
  • automated reasoning
  • modal logic
  • agent


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