6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Xiao-Yun LI with the persons below:
Luca Fusaro
- Technological Platform Physical Chemistry and characterization
- Namur Institute of Structured Matter
- Unit of nanomaterials chemistry
Person: Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Carmela Aprile
- Technological Platform Physical Chemistry and characterization
- Namur Institute of Structured Matter
- Research Institute in didactic and Education at UNamur
- Unit of nanomaterials chemistry
Person: Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Boris Hespeels
- Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
- Namur Institute for Complex Systems
- Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences
- Institute of Life-Earth-Environment
Person: Unpaid Scientific Staff, Scientific Staff