12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Romain Siriez with the persons below:
Laure Morimont
- Unite de recherche en pharmacologie et toxicologie clinique
- Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences
Person: Unpaid Academic Staff
Lionel Pochet
- NAmur MEdicine & Drug Innovation Center
- Namur Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center
- Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences
Person: Scientific Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Marie Didembourg
- Unite de recherche en pharmacologie et toxicologie clinique
- Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences
Person: Scientific Staff Voluntary, Unpaid Scientific Staff
Julie Vassart
- Unite de recherche en pharmacologie et toxicologie clinique
- Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences
Person: Unpaid Scientific Staff