Projects per year
Personal profile
Areas of expertise
English for Academic Purposes
Corpus Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
John Sinclair award (2011) - presentation given at ICAME32 (Oslo)
PhD - English Linguistics (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve)
Verbs in English for Academic Purposes: a cross-discplinary corpus-driven study (Supervisor: Prof. Sylviane Granger)
External responsibilities
Education/Academic qualification
Doctor of Language and Literature, Verbs in English for Academic Purposes: a cross-disciplinary corpus-driven study, Université Catholique de Louvain
Award Date: 14 Mar 2017
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Projet Réforme ELV: Le portfolio comme outil de développement de l’autonomie
Fievez, F.-X. (PI) & Schutz, N. (PI)
15/09/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Continuous training
Projet Réforme ELV - Varier le test diagnostique d'anglais
Fievez, F.-X. (PI), Schutz, N. (PI), Wouters, M. (Researcher) & Dehart, L. (Researcher)
15/09/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research Axis
ASSESS4SUCCESS: Analyse d'un dispositif d'aide à la réussite
Fievez, F.-X. (PI), Naveau, S. (Support role), Schutz, N. (Support role), Barzin, V. (Support role), Houart, M. (Support role) & De Clercq, M. (PI)
8/04/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Projet Réforme ELV - Write up : Développer la compétence écrite en blended learning
Fievez, F.-X. (PI), Hoorelbeke, C. (PI), Foissac, P. (PI), Zimmer, C. (PI), Schutz, N. (Researcher) & Hansel, A. (Researcher)
15/09/19 → 31/08/20
Project: Research Axis
Finaliste du concours #LUDOVIAEXPRESS 2023
Hansel, A. (Recipient) & Schutz, N. (Recipient), 1 Nov 2023
Prize: Other distinction
Prix d'une des meilleures contributions - Moodlemoot 2018
Fievez, F.-X. (Recipient), Schutz, N. (Recipient), Willems, É. (Recipient), Dumortier, L. (Recipient), Deville, G. (Recipient) & Ceuppens, C. (Recipient), Jul 2018
Prize: Other distinction
EAP practitioner and subjects-pecialist collaboration
Fievez, F.-X. (Participant) & Schutz, N. (Invited Speaker)
19 Sept 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Empowering Collaboration and Transversal Approaches in Language Education: A Workshop for LSP Practitioners
Schutz, N. (Speaker) & Hansel, A. (Speaker)
12 Sept 2024 → 14 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
It's Not Rocket Science: la découverte d'une constellation de compétences
Schutz, N. (Speaker) & Hansel, A. (Speaker)
21 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
L’enseignement de l’anglais scientifique en Belgique francophone : Points d’entrées et stratégies pédagogiques
Schutz, N. (Speaker)
24 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Easing the transition to academic English through abstract writing
Schutz, N. (Speaker)
16 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Un concours d’imitation de “C’est pas sorcier”, l’idée géniale de ces deux professeures d’anglais de l’UNamur
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Other
Un concours d’imitation de “C’est pas sorcier”, l’idée folle de ces deux professeures d’anglais de l’UNamur
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Other