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Philosophie et religion, foi et raison : une possible articulation?
Rizzerio, L. (PI) & Lambert, D. (PI)
11/10/16 → …
Project: Research Axis
Approches philosophiques de la vulnérabilité. Comment penser la vulnérabilité aujourd'hui?
Rizzerio, L. (PI), Lambert, D. (CoI) & Doat, D. (CoI)
20/05/13 → …
Project: Research
Ethique des Vertus : intérêt actuel dans l'analyse des pratiques soignantes
Dagneaux, I. (PI), Ravez, L. (PI), Rizzerio, L. (CoI), Fox, A. (CoI), Ars, B. (Researcher) & Bert, C. (Researcher)
10/06/16 → 1/02/19
Project: Research
The beauty and his images in the medieval aesthetics tradition
Rizzerio, L. (PI)
16/11/07 → 1/09/10
Project: Research
Critical edition of Grosseteste's Commentary on tne Divine Names (13th Century)
Rizzerio, L. (CoI)
1/09/02 → 1/09/08
Project: Research
The greek "phronesis": from the widsom of the heart to the virtue of prudence
Doyen, A.-M. (PI) & Rizzerio, L. (PI)
1/01/02 → 31/12/03
Project: Research
Timaeus throughout history : its influence, its readings
Lambert, D. (PI) & Rizzerio, L. (PI)
1/02/96 → 31/12/02
Project: Research