Julie Bouhy
- Faculty of Sciences
- Namur Institute of Structured Matter
- Unite de recherche en analyses par reactions nucleaires
Person: Scientific Staff Voluntary, Unpaid Scientific Staff, Doctorate in Sciences
Olivier Deparis
- Technological Platform High Performance Computing
- Unite de recherche en physique du solide
- Heritages, Transmissions, Inheritances
- Namur Institute of Structured Matter
- Namur Institute for Complex Systems
Person: Academic staff, Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Tania Van Hemelryck
External person
Simon Hickinbotham
- Schulich School of Business-York University (Toronto)
- University of York
External person
Marc Libert
External person
Pierre-Alain Tallier
External person
External person
Charlotte Belayew
External person
Marc Suttor
External person
Bernard Bousmanne
External person
Xavier Hélary
External person
Xavier Botterman
External person