Projects per year
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Areas of expertise
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
- 20 Finished
CIGER: The cartographic situation in 2008 (Wallonia and Brussels)
1/01/08 → 18/02/08
Project: Research
HYDROCOM-SCLAYN: Flood vulnerability assessment -Pilot zone : Sclayn (Andenne)
FERAUGE, F. (PI) & VAN OUDENHOVE, J.-P. (Researcher)
16/05/07 → 15/11/07
Project: Research
Automatic Thematic Cartography
FERAUGE, F. (PI), DAIX, N. (Researcher), De Longueville, F. (Researcher) & DENIL, B. (Researcher)
1/10/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
ATLAS FRANCO-BELGE: Franco-Belgian cross-boarder Atlas
FERAUGE, F. (PI) & DAIX, N. (Researcher)
7/12/05 → 13/03/06
Project: Research
Systèmes d'information géographique participatifs et aménagement du territoire: expériences philippines citoyennes de désenclavement
Rémon, M. (Editor), Orban-Ferauge, F., Aguilar, V., Alarcon, E., Carmona, A., Daix, N., Denil, B., Ignacio, A., Martinez, J., McCall, M., Miscione, G., Olivarez, E., Pandan, M., Rambaldi, G., Teruel, R. & Verplanke, J., 2011, Namur: Presses universitaires de Namur. 156 p. (Eclairage Nord-Sud; vol. 3)Research output: Book/Report/Journal › Book
Atlas de Wallonie
Daix, N. & Orban-Ferauge, F., 2007, (Unpublished)Research output: Other contribution
Groundwater vulnerability Concerns in the Assessment of Former Dumpsites using Participative Geographical Information System (The Case of Bacolod City, Philippines): Poster submitted to the International Congress on Development, Environment and Natural Resources: Multi-level and Multi-scale Sustainability, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Orban-Ferauge, F. & Pandan, M.-A., 2007Research output: Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products
Atlas transfrontalier franco-belge
Daix, N. & Orban-Ferauge, F., 2006, (Unpublished) Atlas transfrontalier: Planification territoriale, Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais et Région Wallonne. Nord-Pas-de-Calais: INSEE, Vol. 5.Research output: Contribution in Book/Catalog/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
Géopolitique de la migration
Orban-Ferauge, F. & Henry, S., 2006, Wallonie Bruxelles: ed. Pax Christi / (62p).Research output: Working paper
Geographic Information Systems: Tool for Participative Environmental Management (The case of Former Open Dumpsites of Bacolod City, Philippines),
Françoise Ferauge (Contributor)
27 Feb 2008 → 1 Mar 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Groundwater vulnerability Concerns in the Assessment of Former Dumpsites using Participative Geographical Information System (The Case of Bacolod City, Philippines)>,
Françoise Ferauge (Contributor)
11 Jul 2007 → 13 Jul 2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Quel espace pour une capitale régionale", sur invitation, Assemblée des Architectes de la Province de Namur sur le thème Quel urbanisme pour quelle ville
Françoise Ferauge (Contributor)
8 Feb 2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Using GIS Integration of Social concerns for the assessment of Former Dumpsites in Bacolod, Philippines
Françoise Ferauge (Contributor)
6 Nov 2006 → 10 Nov 2006Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Geoteach Censophil Conference
Françoise Ferauge (Organiser)
3 Jul 2006 → 7 Jul 2006Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference