Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics
Organisational unit: Faculty
Faculty of Computer Science
Organisational unit: Faculty
Research Group on the Foundations of Computer Science
Organisational unit: Research Group
Research Center on Information Systems Engineering
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Research Institute in didactic and Education at UNamur
Organisational unit: Research Institute
School of Social Sciences, Politics and Communication
Organisational unit: Faculty Department
Faculty of Arts
Organisational unit: Faculty
Faculty of Sciences
Organisational unit: Faculty
Faculty of Law
Organisational unit: Faculty
Centre de Recherche Information, Droit et Societe
School of Social Sciences, Politics and Communication, Namur Digital Institute
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Department of Modern Languages
Organisational unit: Interfaculty Department
University of Namur
Organisational unit: University
Philosophical space of Namur
Organisational unit: Research Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Organisational unit: Faculty
Namur Institute for Complex Systems
Organisational unit: Research Institute
Organisational unit: Research Institute
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
External organisation: University