Projects per year
Search results
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Petit, M. (PI)
1/06/16 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/06/16 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
NoChrome6: Substitution du chromage dûr pour les dépôts électrolytiques à façon
DEVILLERS, S. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/07/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Elaboration de revêtements de tantale et de tantale/CNTs structurés et fonctionnels sur
Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Elaboration électrochimique de surfaces de tantale et de tantale/CNTs structurées et fonctionnelles sur substrats de nitinol en milieu liquide ionique
MAHO, A. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/10/10 → 31/05/14
Project: PHD
Self-Assembly of organothiols on feromagnetic (Ni, Co, Fe) in ionic liquid
RAJALINGAM, S. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/06/10 → 31/05/14
Project: PHD
Modifications de surfaces de Phynox : vers une meilleure hydrophilicité et résistance à la corrosion dans une perspective d'applications biomédicales
BARTHELEMY, B. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/10/09 → 13/03/15
Project: PHD
Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic activity studies on metal oxide nanoparticles supported over porous materials
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Martis, P. (Researcher)
8/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: PHD
Self-assembled monolayers of organothiols on gold and on copper
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Denayer, J. (Researcher)
1/10/07 → 1/10/11
Project: PHD
ESA-CNT: Non conventional matrix / Carbon nanotubes reinforced composite for space application
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & FONSECA, A. (Researcher)
1/04/07 → 31/03/09
Project: Research
Localized desorption of SAMs on different surfaces
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & CSOKA, B. (Researcher)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
NanoGLOWA: NanoMembranes against Global Warming
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & FONSECA, A. (Researcher)
1/12/06 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
csl: Non-conventional Matrix/Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Composite for applications in Space
31/10/06 → 23/02/07
Project: Research
Dispersion of carbon nanotubes : effects of solvent and functionalisation
B.NAGY, J. (PI), DELHALLE, J. (PI) & SEFFER, J.-F. (Researcher)
1/10/06 → 1/09/10
Project: PHD
Etude du comportement de métaux utilisés dans des stents
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & ARNOULD, C. (Researcher)
1/12/05 → 1/06/06
Project: Research
Elaboration by PVD of a WO3 electrochromic coating on stainless steel
Mekhalif, Z. (PI), DELHALLE, J. (CoI) & GUISSET, C. (Researcher)
1/10/05 → 1/10/09
Project: PHD
SPME-GC: Unbreakable solid-phase microextraction metalic Fibers
HEVESI, L. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & MINET, I. (Researcher)
1/10/05 → 1/10/09
Project: PHD
BREFS: Appui scientifique pour l'analyse des BREF'S et la rédaction de documents de référence en vue de la révision des permis des installations chimiques visées par la directive IPPC
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Pecheur, A. (Researcher)
1/09/05 → 31/08/06
Project: Research
Elaboration de revêtements fonctionnels protecteurs de substrats métalliques
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Berger, F. (Researcher)
1/09/05 → 1/09/09
Project: PHD
VISMAT: Surface treatment of materials in order to be IRM visible
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & DEVILLERS, S. (Researcher)
1/09/05 → 1/09/09
Project: PHD
COST D33: Nanoscale Electrochemical and Bio-processes (Corrosion) at Solid-aqueous Interfaces of Industrial Materials
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (Researcher)
1/04/05 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Elaboration de connecteurs moléculaires sur base d'oligomères fonctionnalisés du thiophène
Mekhalif, Z. (PI), DEHARD, L. (Researcher) & HEVESI, L. (Researcher)
30/09/04 → 30/09/05
Project: Research
Treatment of metals by auto-assembled monolayers
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & FONDER, G. (Researcher)
30/09/04 → 1/10/10
Project: PHD
Elaboration of a special coating (titanium and nitinol) to be used in the medical field
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & ARNOULD, C. (Researcher)
1/09/04 → 1/09/10
Project: PHD
Molecular fonctionalisation of tantal oxide surface for the bone growth development
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & ARNOULD, C. (Researcher)
1/09/04 → 1/09/07
Project: Research
Surface chemistry of carbon nanotubes to a better dispertion and solubilisation
B.NAGY, J. (PI), DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Detriche, S. (Researcher)
1/09/04 → 1/09/10
Project: PHD
Electrodeposition of polypyrrole on tin surfaces
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/03 → 1/06/04
Project: Research
Modification of carbonate calcium particules by organometallics
Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/03 → 1/01/03
Project: Research
Preparation of cobalt, copper and nickel surfaces and nanowires and modifications by self-assembled monolayers
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Mejia Mendoza, J. H. (Researcher)
1/09/02 → 31/08/07
Project: Research
BINANOCO: Study of bicharged layered silicates and carbon nanotubes elastomeric composites
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & VAST, L. (Researcher)
1/09/02 → 31/08/06
Project: PHD
Synthesis and self-assembly of functionalised conjugated molecules on gold surfaces towards nanostructures for molecular devices
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/06/02 → 1/07/03
Project: Research
Elaboration of polymer/carbon nanotubes on metallic substrates
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & AUGUSTE, D. (Technician)
1/04/02 → 1/04/04
Project: Research
Study by local electrochemical methods (SKP and SVET) of the behaviour of copper, nickel and copper/nickel substrates modified by self-assembled monolayers
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & PLUMIER, F. (Researcher)
1/04/02 → 1/12/08
Project: PHD
PAI: Quantum size effects in nanostructured materials PAI-P5/01
Lambin, P. (PI), Amara, H. (Researcher), B.NAGY, J. (CoI), FONSECA, A. (Researcher), Foteinopoulou, S. (Researcher), Henrard, L. (Researcher), Mayer, A. (Researcher), Mekhalif, Z. (CoI), Pireaux, J.-J. (CoI), Schievekamp, I. (Support role), Silien, C. (Researcher), Su, B. L. (CoI), THIRY, P. (CoI) & Vercauteren, D. (CoI)
1/01/02 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Molecular structure of model organic films (polymers and self-assembled layers); effects of the substrate, the deposition method, annealing, ageing, radiations... studied by electron and ion spectroscopies
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI), Pireaux, J.-J. (PI), BRISON, J. (Researcher), Houssiau, L. (CoI) & Louette, P. (Researcher)
1/01/01 → 31/12/01
Project: Research
Elaboration of modified lipids and their organisation on silver surface to study the electron transfer of cytochrome
Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/01 → 1/01/02
Project: Research
Study of surfaces of noble metals
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
SYNATEC: Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and their composites with high technology
B.NAGY, J. (PI), DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/12/00 → 31/05/04
Project: Research
Grafting of functionalized molecular layers onto copper, zinc, and brass
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Sinapi, F. (Researcher)
31/08/00 → 30/09/04
Project: PHD
BMC: Bilayers Molecular Coating for electrical contact improvement
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & LAFFINEUR, F. (Researcher)
1/04/00 → 31/03/04
Project: PHD
Local electrochemical and spectroscopic study of the corrosion inhibition of zinc-coated steel by means of chromic treatments and self-assembled monolayers
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Forget, L. (Researcher)
1/09/99 → 13/05/02
Project: PHD
Development of electrochemical techniques for the study of material corrosion
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/99 → 31/12/01
Project: PHD
Modification of polymer properties by adjunction of carbon nanotubes and surface treatment
1/09/98 → 15/05/02
Project: Research
Surface treatments by silanization of metallic polycristalline titanium
1/09/98 → 21/05/02
Project: PHD
Bilayer molecular coatings for electrical contact improvement
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/01/98 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
The use of the Fourier transform in the electronic structure calculation of one- and two-dimensional periodic systems
DELHALLE, J. (PI) & Fripiat, J. (PI)
1/01/94 → 1/03/11
Project: Research
PAI: Sciences of Interfacial and Mesoscopic Structures PAI-P3/49
Lucas, A. (PI), B.NAGY, J. (CoI), Caudano, Y. (Researcher), Cecchet, F. (Researcher), DELHALLE, J. (CoI), FONSECA, A. (Researcher), GHIJSEN, J. (Researcher), HANSENNE, C. (Researcher), Henrard, L. (Researcher), Lambin, P. (Researcher), Larin, A. (Researcher), Leherte, L. (Researcher), Marenne, I. (Researcher), Mayer, A. (Researcher), Mekhalif, Z. (CoI), MOREAU, F. (Researcher), Peremans, A. (Researcher), Pireaux, J.-J. (CoI), Schievekamp, I. (Secretaire), Silien, C. (Researcher), SIMONIS, P. (Researcher), THIRY, P. (Researcher), Vercauteren, D. (CoI) & VIGNERON, J.-P. (Researcher)
1/01/92 → 31/12/96
Project: Research