Projects per year
Search results
Structure-based drug design and synthesis of selective smallmolecular- weight inhibitors of FXIIa, an attractive target from the intrinsic coagulation cascade
TRAINA, A. (PI), Lanners, S. (Supervisor) & Pochet, L. (CoI)
1/10/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Targeted covalent probes to interfere with homomeric proteinprotein interactions: inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis serine phosphatase through covalent modification of key amino acids
Garcia Llinas, X. (PI), Pochet, L. (Supervisor) & Wouters, J. (CoI)
1/10/22 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
POC-FibWave: Development and automation of an analytical method to evaluate fibrin clot formation
Douxfils, J. (PI) & Evrard, J. (PI)
1/02/22 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
MP-Nanoregistre BE : Analyse du fonctionnement et évaluation de l’opportunité de mise en oeuvre du Chapitre 3 de l’AR du 27 mai 2014
Laloy, J. (PI)
23/11/21 → 22/04/22
Project: Research
Development of new compounds targeting coagulation factor XIIausing innovative microfluidic assays in the context of fragment-based drug discovery
Davoine, C. (PI) & Pochet, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/20 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
Nano4Life: Innovative multidrug nanomedicines for myocardial ischemia reperfusion injuries treatment
Dogne, J.-M. (PI) & Couvreur, P. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
The HIC Project : Evaluation of hormone-induced coagulopathy
Dogne, J.-M. (Supervisor), Douxfils, J. (Supervisor), Morimont, L. (Researcher), Didembourg, M. (Researcher) & Evrard, J. (Researcher)
1/09/19 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
POC HEMOFILTER: Validation and achievement of criteria for CE marking for a plasma filtration device
Dogne, J.-M. (PI) & GHELDOF, D. (PI)
1/10/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Development of new compounds targeting coagulation factor XIIa using innovative microfluidic assays in the context of fragment-based drug discovery
Davoine, C. (PI), Pochet, L. (Supervisor) & Fillet, M. (CoI)
1/10/18 → 30/09/20
Project: Research
Design, synthesis and evaluation of FXIIa inhibitors: toward chiral peptidomimetic amidines and guanidines
SIMON, F. (PI), Lanners, S. (Supervisor) & Pochet, L. (CoI)
1/10/18 → 30/09/20
Project: Research
Microscale thermophoresis for the analysis of biomolecular interactions
Frédérick, R. (PI), Sonveaux, P. (CoI) & Pochet, L. (CoI)
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
In vivo inhalation studies for Nanotoxclass: In vivo inhalation studies to support nanomaterial grouping using a multi-omics approach
Dogne, J.-M. (PI) & Laloy, J. (PI)
1/10/17 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
PHARE-BIOCOMPATIBILITE : création d'une plateforme interdisciplinaire afin de développer de nouvelles technologies de production et d’analyse pour la fabrication de formes pharmaceutiques innovantes
Laloy, J. (Researcher), Dogne, J.-M. (PI) & Alpan, L. (Technician)
1/10/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
BIOMED HUB-AVRI: Artériopathie et Valvulopathie Radio-Induites Un nouveau défi pour la médecine moderne
Dogne, J.-M. (PI)
1/06/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
NANOHEART : Nanoparticules de Squalène-Adénosine pour le traitement des dommages cardiaques lors d'ischémie/reperfusion
Laloy, J. (Researcher) & Dogne, J.-M. (PI)
1/02/17 → 31/01/20
Project: Research
Télévie: Study of the roles of extracellular vesicles as miRNA transporters in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Dogne, J.-M. (PI)
1/10/15 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
NANOGECO: Génération de nanoparticules de peinture par des processus d'atomisation
Dogne, J.-M. (PI), Lucas, S. (CoI), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (CoI)
1/02/15 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Dispositif d'analyse chimique 3D installé sur l'accélérateur de particules de l'UNamur pour analyses dans les domaines de la science de la vie et de la science des matériaux
Lucas, S. (PI), Terwagne, G. (CoI), TOUSSAINT, O. (CoI), Dogne, J.-M. (CoI) & Houssiau, L. (CoI)
1/10/14 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
Nanoreg: NANoREG – A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials
Mejia Mendoza, J. H. (PI), Lucas, S. (PI), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
3/02/14 → 28/02/17
Project: Research
ESTELIP: Mise au point de liposomes à base d'Estetrol afin de prévenir l'Ischemie cerebrale du premature
Dogne, J.-M. (PI), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/01/14 → 1/01/17
Project: Research
Nanoreg: A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (RW)
TOUSSAINT, O. (CoI), Lucas, S. (CoI), Dogne, J.-M. (CoI), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/03/13 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
Prévention de la thrombose sans risque d'hémorragie: mythe ou réalité? Développement d'inhibiteurs sélectifs du FXIIa, une nouvelle cible émergente
Pochet, L. (PI)
1/10/12 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Nanovalid: Developing Reference Methods for Nanomaterials
Mejia Mendoza, J. H. (PI), Lucas, S. (PI), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/01/12 → 31/07/15
Project: Research
Nanovalid: Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials
Dogne, J.-M. (CoI), Lucas, S. (CoI), Saout, C. (Researcher), TOUSSAINT, O. (Researcher), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/11/11 → 31/10/15
Project: Research
Etude de l'implication des microvésicules exprimant le facteur tissulaire sur le risque
Dogne, J.-M. (PI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
SILICALLOY: New conversion treatment after galvanizing to combat white rust (chrome-free treatment)
ELADNANI, R. (Researcher), Piret, J.-P. (Researcher), TOUSSAINT, O. (Researcher), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/01/09 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
NANOTOXICO: In vitro and in vivo toxicological study of three types of nanoparticles od economic interest in the walloon region
Lucas, S. (PI), Masereel, B. (PI), TOUSSAINT, O. (PI), BELOT, N. (Researcher), BOTMAN, M.-C. (Researcher), De Glas, V. (Technician), Fattaccioli, A. (Technician), Fransolet, M. (Technician), FRIPPIAT, C. (Researcher), GALLOY, C. (Researcher), JACQUES, D. (Researcher), LAMBINON, F. (Technician), LESCRENIER, M. (Technician), MARIJSSE, J. (Researcher), NOEL, F. (Technician), Piret, J.-P. (Researcher), ROLIN, S. (Researcher), Saout, C. (Researcher), VANKONINGSLOO, S. (Researcher), Hespel, B. (CoI), Leonis, J.-P. (Support role), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/01/06 → 31/12/11
Project: Research