Student theses
- 350 - 375 out of 485 results
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Production d'anticorps contre la diméthylase (Dim1p) de l'ARNr 18S de Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Hermand, D. (Author)VANDENHAUTE, J. (Supervisor), 1994Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biology
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Protection de l'endothélium par une déficience en hyaluronidase-1
Dogne, S. (Author)Caron, N. (Supervisor), Flamion, B. (Supervisor), Poumay, Y. (President), Boonen, M. (Jury), Dessy, C. (Jury), Jouret, F. (Jury) & Donckier, J. (Jury), 3 Feb 2017Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Quantification and characterization of microvesicles: applications in hereditary spherocytosis, type-II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and cancer
Mullier, F. (Author)Dogne, J.-M. (Supervisor), Masereel, B. (President), Chatelain, B. (Co-Supervisor), Michiels, C. (Jury), Latinne, D. (Jury), Chatelain, C. (Jury), Wallemacq, P. (Jury), Harrison, P. A. (Jury) & Hoylaerts, M. F. (Jury), 26 Mar 2012Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Quantification de l'expression des ARN messagers des enzymes qui métabolisent l'hyaluronan dans le rein. Influence de l'état d'hydratation
Dogne, S. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biology
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Quantum Chemistry Investigations on Nonlinear Optical Materials: from Reference to Complex Systems
Beaujean, P. (Author), CHAMPAGNE, B. (Supervisor), DEPARIS, O. (President), DE WERGIFOSSE, M. (Jury), Liegeois, V. (Jury), Vercauteren, D. (Jury), Castet, F. (Jury) & Sanguinet, L. (Jury), 7 Oct 2021Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Quelles sont les nouvelles options thérapeutiques dans la prise en charge de la dermatite atopique modérée à sévère chez l’adulte ?: Focalisation sur le dupilumab et l’abrocitinib
Gaudion, M. (Author)Poumay, Y. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Master types › Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professionnal focus
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Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la résistance des consommateurs face aux robots de service dans le commerce de détails ?
Vostrova, I. (Author), Hammedi, W. (Supervisor), 27 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master types › Master in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science
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Radiosensibilisation de cellules du cancer du poumon non à petites cellules par la méthode de la létalité synthétique
Lobbens, A. (Author)MICHIELS, C. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Reasoning on Gene Regulatory Networks using Constraint Logic Programming
Herbin, G. (Author)Jacquet, J.-M. (Supervisor), 27 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Recherche des mécanismes impliqués dans la fragmentation mitochondriale induite par un stress sublétal du réticulum endoplasmique
Dording, C. (Author)ARNOULD, T. (Supervisor) & Renard, P. (Co-Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Regression Testing in Software Product Lines
Beeknoo, K. (Author)SCHOBBENS, P.-Y. (Supervisor), 30 Aug 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Régulation de la transcription du génome de Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Materne, P. (Author)Hermand, D. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Régulation post-traductionnelle sous hypoxie. Étude de la régulation de la stabilité du facteur de transcription HIF-1 en conditions d'hypoxie
Mottet, D. (Author)Michiels, C. (Supervisor), 1999Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biology
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Régulation traductionnelle du remodelage mitochondrial dans la différenciation hépatogénique d'iPSCs
Dorn, C. (Author)Renard, P. (Supervisor) & ARNOULD, T. (Co-Supervisor), 20 Jan 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, Professional focus
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Relation entre l'internalisation des hémidesmosomes épiderniiques et le processus de macropinocytose
Zerghe, A. (Author)Poumay, Y. (Supervisor), 1998Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biology
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Revisiting the service evaluation process in the sharing economy
Mallarge, J. (Author), ZIDDA, P. (Supervisor), DECROP, A. (Supervisor), Gnabo, J.-Y. (President), Hammedi, W. (Jury), Parguel, B. (Jury) & Eckhardt, G. M. (Jury), 7 Dec 2020Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Economics and Business Management
Risques liés au diabète de type 2 et l’obésité dans la Covid-19: Rôle du pharmacien d’officine
Vryghem, C. (Author)Dogne, J.-M. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Master types › Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professionnal focus
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Rôle de MAGEA1 dans la réponse aux stress génotoxiques
Putman, M. (Author)De Backer, O. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Rôle d'un ABC transporteur dans la résistance au Cu chez Cau/obacter crescentus
Hoche, A. (Author)Matroule, J.-Y. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Rôle d'une modification post-transcriptionnelle de I' ARN dans le contrôle de la différenciation cellulaire (gamétogenèse)
Legraie, S. (Author)Hermand, D. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biochemistry and molecular and cellular Biology
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Role of DNA methylation and CpG sites in the viral telomerase RNA promoter during Gallid herpesvirus type 2 induced lymphomagenesis
Pejaković, S. (Author), MUYLKENS, B. (Supervisor), ARNOULD, T. (President), Hermand, D. (Jury), DE BACKER, O. (Jury), GILLET, J.-P. (Jury), Decottignies, A. (Jury) & Bertzbach, L. (Jury), 29 Sept 2020Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Role of heme biosynthesis in the early stages of pluripotency
DETRAUX, D. (Author)Renard, P. (Supervisor), ARNOULD, T. (Co-Supervisor), GILLET, N. (President), Mathieu, J. (Jury), Lluis Vinas, F. (Jury) & Jadot, M. (Jury), 26 Apr 2021Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Role of MAGEA and MAGED2 proteins in genotoxic stress resistance and in DNA damage response
Carte, P. (Author)DE BACKER, O. (Supervisor), 18 Jan 2019Student thesis: Master types › Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, Professional focus
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Role of MAGE proteins in the stability of genome
Orama, C. M.-J. (Author)De Backer, O. (Supervisor), Jun 2022Student thesis: Master types › Master in Biomedicine
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Role of the heme biosynthesis during the transition of murine embryonic stem cells from naive to primed states
Lemal, P. (Author)Renard, P. (Supervisor), 18 Jan 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology Research focus