Projects per year
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Russian female students in Belgium. Transnational Histories of women of science (1880-1914)
Louvegny, J. (PI) & Roekens, A. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
Contrastive analysis of the strategies of reference construction in French and French Belgian sign language (LSFB): multimodal and polysemiotic approach
Cousin, H. (PI) & Meurant, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
Reading in full, reading in pieces. Medieval Florilegia and the Circulation of Latin Classics (9th-13th centuries)
FRANZONI , S. (PI), Pignot, M. (Supervisor) & Assenmaker, P. (CoI)
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Research
Co-Visualizations for Databases and Microservices Co-Evolution Support
André, M. (PI) & Cleve, A. (Supervisor)
30/09/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Coin and imperial legitimacy under the Early Roman Empire: technical, iconographic and historical study of civil war coinages (1st-2nd c. AD)
de Meritens de Villeneuve, G. (PI) & Assenmaker, P. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Deleuze's and Benjamin's Historical Materialism : Temporal and Political Discontinuity
Giet, V. (PI) & Laoureux, S. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
The era of collectives (1995-2020): collective dynamics in contemporary literature in French-speaking European countries
Baud, J.-M. (PI) & Saint-Amand, D. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Nature in history. An environmental reading of Hegel’s philosophy of history
Vuillerod, J.-B. (PI) & Laoureux, S. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Mémoire impériale et communication politique : mobiliser l'image des empereurs passés au siècle des Antonins (96-192)
LAMBERT, S. (PI), Assenmaker, P. (Supervisor) & Van Haeperen, F. (Co-supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: PHD
CCross-linguistic comparison of backchannels in signed language interaction: the case of NTS and LSFB
Lepeut, A. (PI) & Meurant, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Rückkehr zur Romantik? Fußreisen in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (Promotionsprojekt)
Etienne, G. (PI) & Leyh, V. (Supervisor)
15/09/23 → 15/09/29
Project: PHD
L'auteur au singulier: postures, figures et figurations de l'écrivain chez Éric Chevillard
Cabu, C. (PI) & Vrydaghs, D. (Supervisor)
1/03/23 → 31/03/26
Project: PHD
Postures, figures et figurations of singularity in French literature from 1985 to the present day
Vrydaghs, D. (PI)
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
Salle des Pros: Inauguration de la Salle des Pros
Biemar, S. (PI), Vrydaghs, D. (PI), Snauwaert, P. (PI) & Pondeville, S. (PI)
1/09/22 → …
Project: Continuous training
AI VNUA 2022-2027: Appui institutionnel entre l'ARES et VNUA 2022-2027
Lombart, E. (CoI) & Kestemont, P. (CoI)
1/09/22 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
Certificat en langue scolaire et différenctaion
Biemar, S. (PI), Vrydaghs, D. (PI) & Corfdir, A. (Support role)
15/10/21 → …
Project: Continuous training
Die Standardvarietät des Deutschen in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens: Gebrauch und Akzeptanz ausgewählter lexikalischer Varianten
Joveneau, E. (PI) & Darquennes, J. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/27
Project: PHD
Les espaces de rencontre entre primo-arrivants et membres de la société civile face aux politiques linguistiques d’intégration dans les villes plurilingues : regards croisés sur Montréal et Bruxelles.
Darquennes, J. (Co-supervisor), BARRE-BENOIT, C. (PI) & Remysen, W. (Co-supervisor)
1/10/21 → …
Project: PHD
Interprétation à quatre mains. La "co-interprétation" de discours en français vers la langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB) : analyse et taxonomie des stratégies d'interprétation.
Hanquet, N. (PI), Meurant, L. (Supervisor) & Etienne, D. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/25
Project: PHD
De “i” van integratie in CLIL: focus op de samenwerking tussen zaakvak- en vreemdetaalleraren en de consequenties ervan voor de Pedagogical Practices
Martens, L. (PI), Mettewie, L. (Co-supervisor) & Elen, J. (Co-supervisor)
1/12/20 → …
Project: PHD
Rendre les référents visibles et audibles : Comparaison des pratiques d'action construite des signeurs de la LSFB et des locuteurs du français belge
Vandenitte, S. (Researcher), Meurant, L. (Supervisor) & De Brabanter, P. (Co-supervisor)
1/10/19 → …
Project: PHD
Instruction Languages and Language Education in Belgian Parliamentary Discourse (1883-today): Language conflict, language politics and language ideologies
Vierendeels, I. (PI) & Mettewie, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/19 → 30/09/25
Project: PHD
La Place’s Translation of Shakespeare in the ‘Théâtre Anglois’ (1745-1749)
Delabastita, D. (Supervisor), Dumont, L. (PI) & Vanacker, B. (Co-supervisor)
1/09/19 → …
Project: PHD
Sign language linguistics
Meurant, L. (PI) & del Carmen Cabeza Pereiro, M. (PI)
1/03/19 → …
Project: Research
Étude sur l'espace d'engagement des parents d'enfants ayant des incapacités auditives
Meurant, L. (PI) & Gaucher, C. (PI)
1/01/15 → …
Project: Research
Socio-affective variables in primary and secondary CLIL schools
De Smet, A. (Researcher), Mettewie, L. (Supervisor) & Hiligsmann, P. (Supervisor)
1/10/14 → …
Project: PHD
Shakespeare’s Use of Prophecy
Delabastita, D. (Supervisor), Borrelli, N. (PI) & Hoenselaars, T. (Co-supervisor)
1/09/14 → …
Project: PHD
Fluence et disfluence. Etude comparative des marques qui facilitent l’interprétation
Meurant, L. (PI), Degand, E. (PI), Gilquin, G. (CoI), Simon, A. C. (CoI) & NOTARRIGO, I. (CoI)
1/06/13 → …
Project: Research
Enseignement bilingue aux enfants sourds en inclusion
Meurant, L. (PI), GHESQUIERE, M. (CoI) & de Halleux, C. (Co-supervisor)
1/10/12 → …
Project: Research
Markers of metalinguistic discours in French Sign Language (LSF) and Belgian-French Sign Language (LSFB)
Meurant, L. (PI)
19/10/10 → …
Project: Research
Lifelong training "Sign language" - Reflexion group on Belgian-French Sign Language (LSFB) in relation with teaching in Sign Language (Ecole et Surdité, Namur)
Meurant, L. (PI), Sinte, A. (CoI), NOTARRIGO, I. (Researcher), PALIGOT, A. (Researcher), Gabarró-López, S. (Researcher), SANCHEZ, S. (Support role), RAES, G. (Support role), DE CLERCK, C. (Support role), Ghesquière, M. (PI), Sonnemans, B. (PI) & GHESQUIERE, M. (PI)
1/09/04 → …
Project: Research