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PhD thesis Saskia Vandenbussche: Heterolinguïsme en interculturaliteit in hedendaagse Nederlandstalige romans
Delabastita, D. (Jury Member)
28 Jun 2024Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Promenade vers l'infini: lire le genre et genrer Aragon (1917-1930)
Vrydaghs, D. (Jury Member)
30 Sept 2023Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Gabriel Rivera Cosme: Language Policy in Luxembourg and the German-speaking Community of Belgium: Ideologies of Language (Université du Luxembourg)
Darquennes, J. (Jury Member)
26 May 2023Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Constituent Order in Serbian Sign Language
Meurant, L. (Jury Member)
21 Dec 2022Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PHD Thesis: Bringing the Bard Back Home? The English Translation of German Shakespeare Criticism in the Long 19th Century
Delabastita, D. (Member of the committee) & Ingelbien, R. (Supervisor)
1 Oct 2022 → …Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Spécification d'un logiciel de traduction assistée par ordinateur à destination des langues signées
Meurant, L. (Reviewer)
26 Sept 2022Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Benoît Verstraete-Hansen, Leven in dienst van de Heiland; Peter Martin Legêne als zendeling en schrijver. University of Amsterdam
Leijnse, E. (Jury Member)
18 Feb 2022Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PHD Thesis: Gibran in Lebanese Nationalism: A Study of His Canonization and the Translation Flows of ‘The Prophet’
Delabastita, D. (Member of the committee), Brems, E. (Supervisor) & Daniëls, H. (Co-Supervisor)
1 Oct 2021 → …Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Jean Frins, Gendelettre. De vormende jaren van Frans Erens, 1857-1893. University of Groningen
Leijnse, E. (Jury Member)
9 Sept 2021Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Mikel Gartziarena San Policarpo. Supervisors: Jon Altuna and Durk Gorter
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
Mar 2021Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Peter K. Szabo: Babel debates. An ethnographic language policy study of EU multilingualism in the European Parliament (Tilburg University)
Darquennes, J. (Jury Member)
26 Feb 2021Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
From Sign Recognition to Automatic Sign Language Understanding : Addressing the Non-Conventionalized Units
Brafford, A. (Supervisor), El Yacoubi, M. (Reviewer), Favre, B. (Reviewer), Meurant, L. (Jury Member) & Yvon, F. (Jury Member)
10 Nov 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
L’Expérience esthétique de Khaïr-Eddine et Césaire. Quelles formes pour quels sens ?
VRYDAGHS, D. (Jury Member)
10 Nov 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Embracing and rejecting multilingualism: A linguistic ethnographic study of policy negotiation in an urban secondary school with a multilingual project.
METTEWIE, L. (Jury Member)
12 Oct 2020 → 19 Nov 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Entre le geste et le signe linguistique : Nature et fonction des comportements de la bouche dans le discours LSQ
Parisot, A.-M. (Supervisor), Janzen, T. (Jury Member), Winterstein, G. (Jury Member), Cormeau, P. (Jury Member) & Meurant, L. (Jury Member)
2 Oct 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Multilinguals’ Language Choices and Perceptions in the UK: Evidence of Linguistic Discrimination since the Brexit Referendum Vote
METTEWIE, L. (Examiner)
27 Apr 2020 → 27 Apr 2021Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Nerea Villabona. Supervisor: Jasone Cenoz
Van Mensel, L. (Examiner)
19 Feb 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Le cinéma burlesque, une autre origine du surréalisme
VRYDAGHS, D. (Jury Member)
29 Feb 2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
thèse de Master de Justine Mandy: Französisch in Luxemburg - Tradition partielle commentée (promoteur : Françoise Gallez)
GALLEZ, F. (Co-Supervisor) & Darquennes, J. (Co-Supervisor)
2020Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
La littérature embarquée: réflexivité et nouvelles configurations critiques dans le moment des années 2000
Vrydaghs, D. (Jury Member)
17 Dec 2019Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Uranela Demaj. Supervisor: Stef Slembrouck, co-supervisor: Mieke Vandenbroucke
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
12 Dec 2019Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PHD Thesis: The interculturality of contemporary Dutch literature in the light of its 'heterolingual' narratives. Study of a literary production with other languages and its stakes for a shared social universe
Delabastita, D. (Member of the committee), Vanasten, S. (Supervisor) & Sergier, M. (Co-Supervisor)
1 Oct 2019 → …Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Eider Saragueta. Supervisor: Jasone Cenoz
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
3 Jul 2019Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Evaluation contextuelle de la (dis)fluence en production et perception
Simon, A. C. (Supervisor), Degand, E. (Supervisor), Boula de Mareüil, P. (Jury Member), Candea, M. (Jury Member) & Meurant, L. (Jury Member)
14 Dec 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
“What about sign language? A longitudinal study of the early interaction between hearing mothers and deaf infants with a cochlear implant”
De Meulder, M. (Jury Member)
Nov 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
“The malleable child. A social-pedagogical study of early interventions in families with deaf children.”
De Meulder, M. (Jury Member)
Nov 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Truus De Wilde: Over taalbewustzijn en taalvariatie. Casestudy: Docenten Nederlands aan Europese universiteiten (FU Berlin)
Darquennes, J. (Co-Supervisor)
27 Sept 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Oihana Leonet Sieso. Supervisors: Jasone Cenoz & Xabier Etxague
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
10 May 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Fictions de la science et sciences fictives. Les sciences du vivant et l'astronomie dans le roman d'aventures scientifiques (1880-1915)
Brix, M. (Jury Member)
24 Apr 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Structures de représentation corporelle en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)
Meurant, L. (Jury Member), Parisot, A.-M. (Supervisor) & Comeau, P. (Jury Member)
18 Dec 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Inge Van Lancker. Supervisors: Johan De Caluwe & Jürgen Jaspers
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
21 Dec 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Les sourds, une minorité culturelle et linguistique : déni du handicap ou défi pour la culture ?
Guay, A. (Chair), Feltz, B. (Supervisor), Crommelinck, M. (Jury Member), Fagot-Largeaut, A. (Jury Member), Frogneux, N. (Member of the committee), Meurant, L. (Member of the committee) & Virole, B. (Jury Member)
21 Dec 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Maria Orcasitas. Supervisors: Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter
Van Mensel, L. (Reviewer)
27 Nov 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Modélisation de la Langue des Signes Française. Proposition d'un système à compositionalité sémantique
Brafford, A. (Supervisor), Meurant, L. (Reviewer) & Filhol, M. (Examiner)
17 Nov 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Jury de mémoire à l'IAD
Gabriel, J.-B. (Jury Member)
4 Sept 2017Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PHD Thesis: His Fiction in the World, the World in his Fiction. Study of the Reception of Ismail Kadare’s Fiction in the Anglophone Literary Landscape
Delabastita, D. (Member of the committee), Vanasten, S. (Supervisor) & Toremans, T. (Co-Supervisor)
1 Oct 2016 → …Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Kirsten Rosiers. Supervisor: Stef Slembrouck
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
22 Aug 2016Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Karin Van der Worp. Supervisors: Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter
Van Mensel, L. (Reviewer)
2 May 2016Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
La deixis en la Lengua de Signos Española (LSE): Efectos de la modalidad espaciovisual
Landa Arevalillo, A. (Supervisor), Quer, J. (Co-Supervisor), Meurant, L. (Jury Member) & Barberà Altimira , G. (Jury Member)
3 Feb 2016Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Christian Palm: Exil und Identitätskonstruktion in deutschsprachiger Literatur exilierter Autoren. Das Beispiel SAID und Sam Rapithwin (Universität zu Köln, co-tutelle UNamur-Universität zu Köln)
Darquennes, J. (Jury Member)
8 Dec 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Els Belsack: ‘Det finst galne maalmenn i alle land!’ Een transnationale analyse van het taalstandaardiseringsdebat in Vlaanderen en Noorwegen in tijden van natievorming (1760-1917) (co-tutelle VUB - University of Kristiansand)
Darquennes, J. (Jury Member)
19 Nov 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Els Belsack: ‘Det finst galne maalmenn i alle land!’ Een transnationale analyse van het taalstandaardiseringsdebat in Vlaanderen en Noorwegen in tijden van natievorming (1760-1917) (co-tutelle VUB - University of Kristiansand)
Darquennes, J. (Jury Member)
30 Nov 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PHD Thesis: Translation Norms: A Study of the Persian Translations of J.D. Salinger
Delabastita, D. (Member of the committee) & D'hulst, L. (Supervisor)
1 Oct 2015 → …Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Jury de mémoire à l'IAD
Gabriel, J.-B. (Jury Member)
15 Jun 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Langues des signes française et seychelloise, une approche comparative des constructions anaphoriques et pronominales
Meurant, L. (Jury Member)
4 Jun 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Langues des signes française et seychelloise, une approche comparative des constructions anaphoriques et pronominales, par Myriam Charpentier
Meurant, L. (Jury Member)
4 Jun 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
PhD Dissertation by Beñat Muguruza. Supervisors: Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
19 Nov 2014Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Member of the Comité d'accompagnement for the PhD Dissertation by Audrey De Smet. Supervisor: Philippe Hiligsmann
Van Mensel, L. (Jury Member)
1 Oct 2014 → 30 Sept 2018Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Etude sociolinguistique d'échanges plurilingues en contexte de surdité. Bimodalité et contact de langues: le cas de la langue des signes tunisienne (LST)
Laroussi, F. (Supervisor), Blondel, M. (Co-Supervisor), Millet, A. (Reviewer) & Meurant, L. (Reviewer)
27 Oct 2014Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
L'Artifice de l'écrivain. Représentation et imaginaire dans les fictions narratives de Théophile Gautier
Brix, M. (Jury Member)
10 Jun 2014Activity: Examinations › External Thesis