Student theses
- 600 - 625 out of 790 results
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Pour une protection appropriée des mesures techniques en droit d'auteur
Dusollier, S. (Author), Poullet, Y. (Supervisor), Coipel, M. (President), Montero, E. (Jury), LUCAS, A. (Jury), Strowel, A. (Jury) & GINSBURG, J. (Jury), 12 May 2004Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Legal Studies
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Power characterization of network interfaces for low power wireless embedded systems
Briquet, B. (Author)Ramaekers, J. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Power reduction techniques for TFT LCD displays
Decostre, A. (Author)Ramaekers, J. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Prédiction de la demande en électricité via l’utilisation du machine learning
Pierre, B. (Author)VANHOOF, W. (Supervisor), 22 Jun 2020Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering
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Prédiction du comportement d'un attaquant à partir de métriques de distances sémantiques dérivées d'un grand darknet
EVRARD, L. (Author), Colin, J.-N. (Supervisor), 22 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering
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Présentation et mise en pratique d’une méthodologie de développement d’un Data Warehouse
Pisvin, E. (Author)Faulkner, S. (Supervisor), 26 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master types › Master in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science
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Présentation multimodale en imagerie médicale
Vandermeersch, F. (Author)Fichefet, J. (Supervisor), 1998Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Principes de conception et de développement des interactions similaires: Application aux cockpits interactifs d’aéronefs
Della Pasqua, S. (Author)Dumas, B. (Supervisor), 18 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering
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Prise de décision répartie sur un réseau de moteur proactifs communicants
Andreux, J. (Author), Colin, J.-N. (Supervisor), 18 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering
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Prix, variété et marques dans la gestion stratégique des assortiments. Analyse Sur Données de panel distributeur
Willart, S. (Author)Zidda, P. (Jury), 2007Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Economics and Business Management
Proactive computing and Machine Learning applied to advanced virtual robotics
Nazili Wanlongo, C. (Author), COLIN, J.-N. (Supervisor), 31 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Data Science
Problem-oriented modelling and verification of software product lines
Classen, A. (Author)Heymans, P. (Co-Supervisor) & Schobbens, P.-Y. (Co-Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Problems of conception and implementation of a stereologic analysis
François, J.-Y. (Author) & Horion, L. (Author)Bodart, F. (Supervisor), 1998Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Production de la documentation d'une base de données sous la forme d'un hypertexte
Furnelle, J. (Author)Hainaut, J.-L. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Profiler les étudiants pour leur donner envie d'apprendre
Kazadi Ntambwe, H. (Author)Dumas, B. (Supervisor) & Henry, J. (Co-Supervisor), 24 Jun 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Program analysis and transformation for data-intensive system evolution
Cleve, A. (Author)Hainaut, J.-L. (Supervisor), Jacquet, J.-M. (President), Englebert, V. (Jury), Vanhoof, W. (Jury), Lammel, R. (Jury) & Mens, K. (Jury), 29 Oct 2009Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Program understanding in database reverse engineering
Henrard, J. (Author)Hainaut, J.-L. (Supervisor), Fichefet, J. (Jury), Koschke, R. (Jury), Petit, J.-M. (Jury) & Jacquet, J.-M. (Jury), 19 Sept 2003Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Proposition de méthodologie générique pour la mise en place d'un système de pilotage de la performance via indicateurs
Bassou, Y. (Author)Burnay, C. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in Management Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration
Proposition de modélisation des services bioinformatiques dans le cadre d'une architecture fédérée
Denayer, M.-L. (Author), Englebert, V. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Proposition de modélisation des services bioinformatiques dans le cadre d 'une architecture fédérée
Denayer, M.-L. (Author)ENGLEBERT, V. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Proposition d'une architecture orientée objet et distribuée d'emballage de bases de données relationnelles
Macours, B. (Author)Hainaut, J.-L. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Proposition d'une démarche dédiée à la conduite de projets d'innovation
Bodelet, J.-P. (Author) & Desaintghislain, B. (Author)Habra, N. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Proposition d'une méthodologie basée sur UML et adaptation d'un outil CASE
Plichart, P. (Author)Habra, N. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Proposition d'un nouveau programme de fidélité conciliant bénéfices pour les clients et coûts de gestion pour l'entreprise: le cas de PointCarré
Mathieu, R. (Author)ZIDDA, P. (Supervisor), 25 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master types › Master in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science
Publication de documents XML
Halleux, J.-F. (Author)Hainaut, J.-L. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science