Activities per year
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<Translational study of the role of TMEM45A in head and neck cancer resistance to chemotherapies> K Schmit, E Roegiers, L Finet, M Raes, C Michiels Séminaire Télévie 2015
Michiels, C. (Poster)
3 Dec 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Evaluation de projets soumis à Dutch Cancer Society
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
Nov 2015Activity: Examinations › Jury
Communication orale : "The role of Sirtuin 3 in the metabolism of adipocytes-obesity and metabolic syndrome
Arnould, T. (Invited speaker)
19 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
ER Stress & Inflammation meeting 2015
Arnould, T. (Poster)
27 Nov 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
11e journée d’étude ABC-éduc -- La collaboration et la recherche en éducation : quelles collaborations ?
Depiereux, É. (Poster)
10 Nov 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
13th Annual Meeting of the SFMBBM Doctoral School
Penninckx, S. (Poster)
6 Nov 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Title <The SLC22A18 transporter, a potential biomarker for chemotherapeutic treatment> N. Frédérickx (ULB, promoteur C. Govaerts)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
2 Oct 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Play it mobile
Raes, M. (Invited Speaker)
6 Oct 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Title <Contributions à l’étude de la réponse cellulaire à l’hypoxie. Modélisation mathématique et expérimentations sur cellules FUCCI> B. Bedessem (Université de Grenoble, promoteur A. Stéphanou)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
25 Oct 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Organelle Crosstalk in Membrane Dynamics and Cell Signalling
Arnould, T. (Poster)
26 Oct 2015 → 29 Oct 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Journée annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie
Penninckx, S. (Poster)
8 Oct 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Seminar on researchers mobility between Germany and Wallonia-Brussels, September the 28th, 2015
Raes, M. (Invited Speaker)
30 Sept 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Title <Implication des cellules souches mésenchymateuses dans la progression tumorale et la lymphangiogenèse> L. Maertens (ULg, promoteur A. Noël)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
14 Sept 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Annual meeting of the Doctoral school in Experimental Cancerology: "New advances in animal models in cancerology"
Michiels, C. (Organiser)
11 Sept 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Symposium on Food Allergens: regulation, management and detection
Arnould, T. (Poster)
17 Sept 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
École Doctorale Thématique (EDT) Cancérologie Expérimentale
Penninckx, S. (Poster)
11 Sept 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Membre du jury du prix 2015 de la Fondation Désiré Jaumain
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
Jun 2015Activity: Examinations › Jury
<Characterization of TMEM45A: interaction with VKORC1 and no involvement in skin development> E Roegiers, C Sterpin, Y Poumay, O De Backer, C Michiels Keystone Symposium “Hypoxia: from basic mechanisms to therapeutics”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
12 May 2015 → 17 May 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Evaluation de projets soumis à l'ANR (France)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
May 2015Activity: Examinations › Jury
Evaluation de projets soumis à la Ligue contre le cancer (France)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
May 2015Activity: Examinations › Jury
<Cycling hypoxia enhances tumor-promoting inflammation> C Tellier, M Raes, O Feron, C Michiels Keystone Symposium “Hypoxia: from basic mechanisms to therapeutics”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
12 May 2015 → 17 May 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Title <Analyse des propriétés antitumorales des exosomes endothéliaux dans le cancer du sein suite au transfert du microARN miR-503> N. Bovy (ULg, promoteur I. Struman)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
2 Apr 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Title <Regulation of pro-angiogenic and pro-inflammatory cytokines during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions associated to the metastatic progression of breast and lung tumor cells> M. Suarez-Carmona (ULg, promoteur C. Gilles)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
25 Mar 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie-2015
Arnould, T. (Chairman)
11 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
<TMEM45A as a biomarker for cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy: toward the identification of its function> GIGA-Cancer Seminars 2015
Michiels, C. (Keynote Speaker)
27 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
<Determining the role of miRNAs in cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy: a callenging example with miR-196b> Télévie2015: cancer reserach and télévie: the challenges for the next 10 years
Michiels, C. (Keynote Speaker)
11 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
NARILIS interdisciplinary symposium
Arnould, T. (Participant)
21 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
EACR conference : Radiation Biology and Cancer
Michiels, C. (Participant)
5 Feb 2015 → 7 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Annual Meeting : Association Belge pour l'Etude du Cancer (A.B.E.C.)
Arnould, T. (Participant)
31 Jan 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Title <Rôle de l’histone déacétylase 5 dans la biologie des cellules cancéreuses> N. Matteus (ULg, promoteur D. Mottet)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
28 Jan 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
<Lactate dehydrogenase B controls autophagy in cancer> L Brisson, M Sboarina, C Dethier, MJ Fontenille, J Falces, R Frederick, C Michiels, T Copetti, P Sonveaux BACR meeting “Tumor metabolism and mitochondria”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
31 Jan 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
<Effects of cycling hypoxia on M1/M2 macrophage polarization and their involvement in tumor promotion and metastasis> C Tellier, M Raes, O Feron, C Michiels BACR meeting “Tumor metabolism and mitochondria”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
31 Jan 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Title <Effects of adenosine on lymphangiogenesis> B. Lenoir (ULg, promoteur A. Noel)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
8 Jan 2015Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
<Identification of VKORC1 as a binding partner for TMEM45A: role in cancer cell chemoresistance and coagulation factor IX secretion> E Roegiers, C Sterpin, O De Backer, C Michiels BACR meeting “Tumor metabolism and mitochondria”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
31 Jan 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
<Interactions between co-cultured cancer cells and macrophages during proton beam irradiation> G Genard, S Lucas, C Michiels BACR meeting “Tumor metabolism and mitochondria”
Michiels, C. (Poster)
31 Jan 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
President of the Belgian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (External organisation)
Michiels, C. (Chair)
1 Jan 2015 → 31 Dec 2016Activity: Membership types › Membership of board
12th International Workshop: Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response
Wera, A.-C. (Speaker)
2015 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
International Congress of Radiation Research
Wera, A.-C. (Poster)
2015 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Centre d'Excellence en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of board
CREF (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of council
Welbio and de Duve Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium; (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
UNamur Venture (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of board
Science Parks of Wallonia (SPOW) (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Vice-chair)
2015 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of board
Coma Science Group (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015 → 2019Activity: Membership types › Membership of committee
CENAERO ASBL (External organisation)
Raes, M. (Member)
2015 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership of council
Title <Identification des cibles moléculaires des composés de la famille des glycosides cardiaques> F. Muller (Université de Nancy, promoteur M. Diederich)
Michiels, C. (Jury Member)
2 Dec 2014Activity: Examinations › External Thesis
Cell Symposia – Stem Cell Energetics
Arnould, T. (Poster)
9 Dec 2014 → 11 Dec 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day